Welcome to WikEM Forum


A place for Emergency Medicine providers to gather in discussion.

- Who is this forum for?
WikEM Forum is different and complementary to WikEM.org. Sometimes a wiki is perfect for what you want to say and it allows information to live along with other information. Other times you just want to talk with members of the Emergency Medicine community and share ideas and discussion. WikEM Forum is a place to talk with emergency practitioners around the globe.

- What can I find here?
Members of the Emergency Medicine community, talking, learning, and teaching each other in addition to job postings

- Why should I come here, I have all these other great social media sites?
Come to this forum because you want to have a conversation in more than 140 characters and don’t want your discussion spread across lots of different blogs. You come here for the same reason you go to a bar or a coffee shop: for a common space to talk.

You may want to close this topic via the admin :wrench: (at the upper right and bottom), so that replies don’t pile up on an announcement.


Hello! :slight_smile: great idea. Lets see how this develops


thanks! comments and suggestions for improvement are always welcome


Thanks for inviting me on this platform.
Is there a separate app for this or I’ll get notification on the wikem app. Thanks


Power to the people! I love WikiEM


for the time being this is a bit of an experiment and only lives as it’s own webpage. You will receive notifications by emails if a discussion occurs. Slowly over time we will look to integrate into the mobile app.


Let’s learn from each other so that our knowledge can improve our cares towards our patients in hospital